Mahashivaratri in the presence of Pujya Guru Shri Shri Nimishananda was a supremely elevating experience. Devotees thronged BLISS HOUSE which was transformed into Kailasa on this holiest of days. As Pujay Guruji strode into the hall and took His seat, devotees welcomed Him with a verse from the Rudra:
Om Namaste astu Bhagavan Vishweshwaraaya Mahaadevaaya Trayambakaaya Tripurantakaaya Trikagni kalaaya Kalagni rudraaya Neelakantaaya Mrityunjayaaya Sarveshwaraaya Sadashivaaya, Shankaraaya Mahadevaaya Shri Shri Nimishanandaaya Namaha!!
Bhajans on Lord Shiva and Gurudeva rendered mellifluously by Maitri and Mekhala overflowed with Bhakti rasa.
Pujya Guruji emphasised on how Lord Shiva has to be propitiated on that day called Mahashivaraatri. Lord Shiva is the most compassionate among the Trimurtis, He said, and the easiest to please. He requires neither rituals nor rites, neither Rudra chanting nor abhisheka; the Lord looks at the depth of devotion in the worshiper's heart, and showers His grace upon him. Talk to God every day, aloud, said Pujya Guruji, make a habit of it. Shut yourself in a room if need be, take a photograph/idol of the God of your choice and talk to Him; rave, rant, praise,thank, demand, ask, beg, cry- do whatever you wish, but do it completely, with total abandon, aloud, as if you are talking to someone, without restricting yourself or feeling guilty. Open your mind and heart to the Lord, don't hide anything from Him, and He will hear your call and answer it.
When one prays to Lord Shiva thus, especially on Mahashivaratri, which comes at the beginning of uttarayana, the Lord will help us slip into the mode of devotion, sustain it through the year and help us pray to Lord Vishnu on Vaikunta Ekadasi, at the end of dakshinayana. (It is most hard to propitiate Lord Vishnu, and this can be remotely possible only if the compassionate Lord Shiva,pleased by our devotion, makes up His mind to help us)
Pujya Guruji guided the gathering through a chanting of OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, and led us into deep meditation. The session ended with Pujya Guruji blessing everyone with Vibhuti and Bilwa, not to forget the special mahashibvaratri prasada.
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